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Dual natural circulation evaporator

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Dual natural circulation evaporator

Double effect evaporators are also commonly used in multi effect evaporators, where the secondary steam evaporated is used once to achieve energy savings. It mainly consists of two heating chambers, two gas-liquid separators, and a condenser.
The steam enters the first effect heating chamber for heat exchange and condensation, and the condensed water generated is reused in various ways. The secondary steam generated by the first effect enters the second effect heating chamber for heat exchange and condensation. Produced by the secondary effect, it enters the condenser for condensation recovery and reprocessing.
The double effect evaporator has a simple process, compact equipment structure, and easy operation. It is usually used when the processing capacity is relatively small, which not only achieves energy saving and reduces operating costs, but also meets production requirements with low equipment investment.
The double effect natural circulation evaporator can use both internal and external natural circulation. The density difference of materials under different heating conditions serves as the driving force for circulation.

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